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My Favorite Blogs

  • Donklephant
    This is the prime Centrist Site! Lots of diverse posters with great and thoughtful debates.
  • AmbivaBlog
    An amazing person ... very smart .... don't be scared, you can learn something on this site!
  • The Mighty Middle
    If you like to hear the unvarnished truth and like to laugh, look no further than Micheal Reynolds.


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One-Line Bio

I am an independent Safety Consultant and Safety Trainer


I have been an independent Safety Consultant since 1995, after spending thirty years in heavy industry and construction. I wish I had gone into this field full-time years ago. Industry has teched up so quickly in the last twenty years, and chemical manufacturing has grown to such a degree that the importance of training and a strong knowledge base is critical for workers.

Core Belief: People do not go to work to be injured or killed. Training helps ... knowledge IS power!
