This from Holiday Mathis in numerous syndicated papers Sunday May 14, 2006 :
Leo - Knowing nothing is better than knowing the wrong thing. Misinformation is rampant. Check sources. Be slow to make conlusions. Decisions can wait.
It has been a long time now that we have .... known nothing, known some wrong things and been mis-informed. It won't be long before the mid-term elections are upon us.. Have you checked your sources? Are you perpared to read between the lines of partisanship? On either side?
We have been a devisive populace for long enough. Let's meet in "The Middle" and drift to the right or left on the basis of "knowing the right things". We have an inherent responsibility to do part of the work required to put America on a strong path and help in the choosing of direction. We cannot, as a people, continue to ignore the abberations of partisanship that has been the stalwart of political wars since the early 90's. The Republican Party cannot be 100% correct and neither can the Democratic Party .... and neither can the voters. If we can begin in the middle at least we can be representative of our population. We can demand that politicians speak to the people instead of listening to the slick ad folks ... talk about issues instead of slinging mud at opponents ... state a case for their positions, instead of shooting holes in the positions of the opponents ... let the voters decide before it is too late for a citizen to have any sway in the direction of our great country.
Do some work ... Google the Centrist Coalition and think about joining with some folks who believe that there is a way to break the partisanship that has held us hostage for so long.
Diner item of the day for me .... Chicken Cheese Steak Wrap w/ hot sauce!